White woman with shoulder length brown hair, wearing a white shirt with a black blazer (Website owner)

👋🏻 Hi, I'm Abigail Walters

  • CS Student at the University of Delaware.
  • Software Engineer Intern at JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Aspiring Software Engineer or Program Manager.
  • Cat Lover.

A little about me

Hi there! I'm Abbey Walters and I'm a student at the University of Delaware studying Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering, while also minoring in Politics + Social Justice. For me, tech goes beyond shiny gadgets; it's also about recognizing it's imprint on society. Every application changes the world in some way, I strive to ensure the applications that I create add positive value to society.

My Journey in CS

Growing up, the world of technology was a realm I hadn’t envisioned for myself. It was during my senior year in high school, at the gentle prodding of my father, that I decided to enroll in my first computer science class. Much to my surprise, I found myself captivated with the intricate art of programming and the joy of solving complex problems. By the time college applications rolled around, I was firmly set on joining a computer science program. My fresh passion took a definitive turn when I participated in JPMorgan Chase's Generation Tech Youth Hackathon. This experience cemented my aspirations to become a software engineer. As of today, I have had the opportunity to intern with JPMC 3 times (2 of which being on the team that runs Generation Tech - what are the odds?) and I have gained many invaluable skills from working at such a large company. Before my journey into technology, my sights were set on a career in politics. However, as I delved deeper into my research, I realized that technology and politics weren't mutually exclusive. Today, my mission is to design inclusive applications that resonate with a diverse audience and to contribute actively to the broader community. I am driven by the merger of my passion for social justice and technology, and I eagerly await the many milestones that lie ahead in my journey.

Hobbies & Interests

Continuous Learning

I'm passionate about acquiring both technological and non-technological knowledge. There's always a new hobby on my horizon!


For me, baking is therapeutic. I pride myself on my classic chocolate chip cookies.

Pet Parenting

My kitten is the newest addition to my family. Nurturing him and witnessing his growth brings immense joy to my daily life.

Community Service

Community is paramount to me. I consistently seek opportunities to volunteer and positively impact those around me.


Exploration drives me. From local retreats to international journeys, like my recent study abroad trip to Hawai'i.

Values & Motivations


I believe in wholeheartedly having a deep love for the work that you choose to do.


I uphold the principle of treating everyone with fairness, understanding, and recognizing their innate dignity.


I strive to understand and resonate with the emotions and circumstances of others.

Diversity & Inclusion

I advocate for an inclusive environment, valuing differing perspectives, and ensuring every voice is acknowledged and celebrated.

Positive Impact

My mission is to enact change that brings about tangible benefits for communities and individuals alike.


I'm committed to uplifting others, enabling them to reach their utmost potential.


I believe in contributing through time, expertise, and resources to causes I hold dear.

My Journey & Qualifications



Java, C/C++, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Apex, SQL, SOQL


Git/GitHub, VSCode, IntelliJ IDEA, Figma, JIRA, Bitbucket, Agile/Scrum, Jenkins


React, Node.js, Salesforce Lightning Web Components, JUnit, Phaser, Spring Boot


AWS Cloud Practitioner


JPMorgan Chase & Co | Software Engineer Intern

Collaborated using Agile & JIRA.

Since Sep '23:

Automated grant making process using Salesforce.

Summer '23:

Refactored monolithic apps using Java Spring & React.

Summer '22:

Created apps using Apex, HTML, JS & React.


University of Delaware, College of Engineering

Computer Science Major

Politics + Social Justice Minor

Honors & Awards:
  • College of Engineering, CISC Honorable Mention Award ’23



Promote community & DEI within UD CISC department.

HenHacks Hackathon:

Organized Delaware's largest college-run hackathon with 200+ participants; led & managed 30+ volunteers.

Youth Outreach:

Taught elmentary CS topics to local 2nd and 3rd graders.

CISC Study Abroad:

Taught elementary CS to Hawai'i elementary students.


HenHacks Admin:

Oversee 4 committees working to organize the hackathon.

Capstone Team Manager:

Direct team discussions and ensure project timelines, client coordiinator for project requirements and feedback.

JPMorgan Chase & Co:

Acted as agility lead, leading daily standup discussions.

UD IT Shift Lead:

Ensure quality troubleshooting and customer service.

My Creations

Tournament Builder Website Home Screen

Tournament Builder Website

Created in: October 2023

A comprehensive tournament creation platform that integrates Firebase Hosting, Firestore, and Authentication with frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Features include user authentication, tournament creation and management, automatic bracket generation, and winner determination. [Source Code]

Scholar Match Home Screen


Created in: March 2023

A social good platform developed with React to assist high school seniors in quickly identifying relevant scholarships. The ultimate goal is to aggregate data from numerous scholarship portals and display only active scholarships to users. Features include scholarship search, bookmarking, and direct application capabilities. [Source Code]

Turbo Turtles Home Screen

Turbo Turtles

Created in: January 2023

An educational game crafted for elementary students in Hawai'i, introducing them to foundational Computer Science concepts. Developed using Phaser, the game centers on imparting conditional logic skills through engaging gameplay. [Source Code]

Got2Go Home Screen


Created in: November 2022

An Android app catering to individuals with IBS, offering a reliable directory of restrooms. Utilizing Google Maps SDK and Firebase, it allows users to find, review, and contribute bathroom data, fostering a community-driven platform. [Source Code]

Course Scheduler Home Screen

Course Scheduler

Created in: April 2022

A tool designed for UD CISC students to streamline their course planning process. Developed in React and TypeScript, it enables the creation, editing, and management of multi-semester academic plans, while also providing a graduation requirement checker. [Source Code]

Shell Replica Home Screen

UNIX Shell Replica

Created in: October 2022

A detailed replica of the UNIX shell, engineered in C. It emulates a range of standard UNIX shell commands, providing a functional and educational tool to understand core shell operations. [Source Code]

Contact Me!

Use this convenient email form to email me at awrose@udel.edu